Saturday, February 17, 2007


I haven't been doing a lot of running lately. It's not that I haven't been doing anything to keep losing weight, but it has just been too damn cold to run outside. I tried to tough it out for awhile (see ice run last month), but I finally decided that it just wasn't worth it. The fun was gone from running, and it was starting to feel like a chore. It seems odd, but as obsessive compulsive as I am about most things, I am not really that into following a schedule. I do enough of that at work.

I felt like I needed the regimented schedule for the half marathon, but it feels more like a weight around my neck now. I've been doing a lot of reading lately about "voluntary simplicity", which, in a nutshell, means doing more with less and being happy with what you have, and I am hoping to apply some of those principles to getting in shape. That doesn't mean I am happy still being a lard ass, it just means I need to make some changes in how I go about getting in shape. I don't want to become obsessed with numbers, and that is what I was doing. My exact weight at all times, my splits on every run, weekly mileage, etc, were starting to take over all of my thoughts, and I don't think that is a healthy way for me to get healthy.

So, as I am trying to do with the rest of my life, I am trying to simplify my training, and keep the big picture in mind. I understand that this is hard for me to explain, and it sounds like I am rambling a little bit, so I apologize. But I think I have a pretty good plan in mind, and I think I can have fun while getting to where I want to be. No more running through injury, sickness, snow, etc. Just getting buff while loving life. And beer.