Diet. Day 1
I started the new diet today, and even though I am excited about losing weight, this diet is going to be a bitch. It is amazing how munch junk I eat on any given day without even thinking about it. You never really realize how much you snack during the day until you have to limit yourself on what you can consume. Everything I reach for is loaded with either sugar, fat, or some form of dead mammalian. What makes it even tougher is the fact that not everyone in the house is on the diet, of course. So while the kids are eating pizza tonight, I am trying to figure out what to do with a package of dried beans and a portabello mushroom.
This is going to be a mental exercise as much as physical. This is day one and I have almost quit 2 or 3 times already! I have no idea how to cook healthy, tasty meals using only vegetables. It is so easy to cook a quick burger or grab a slice of pizza. It takes a lot of damn work to figure out a way to make a meal out of veggies with no pasta, grains, dairy, etc. Hopefully, I can make the sacrifice for 9 days. It helps that Chad is also following the diet, because I'm not sure I could suffer through this alone.
As far as the running goes, had a nice little 6 mile run with Aaron last night. I felt really good for the first 5 1/2 or so, and then my knee started to bother me during the last half. It didn't slow me down at all, but it was annoying. We tried to keep a nice, slow, even pace for the first 5 miles and then picked it up for the last mile. Aaron kicked it up more than I did, though, by a couple of hundred yards!
On an interesting side note that ties together both the running and the diet aspects, I figured out that I outweigh Aaron by about 20 pounds. So I am really hoping that the diet can go a little ways towards evening that out a little bit. If we are going to keep running at the same pace, I am definitely going to have to lose some weight, because he isn't going to want to slow down to my pace much longer....
As your homey, I'm going to give you some assistance...I don't usually give any advice, but I think you are overthinking your veggie issue...the beauty of fruits and veggies is, they are already a meal! Just eat 'em and like it....I also like to pretend that there is other stuff on the plate that I already ate, and all I have left is the yummy veggies.....
I wnat to do my part to help you out...I think I'll make cookies this afternoon - enjoy your vegetables!
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