Friday, July 28, 2006

Ride the Lightning

Had a very interesting run last night. Is there anything more motivating than a few thousand volts of electricity? I was feeling pretty good all day yesterday, and tried to eat well, because I knew we were going running. I didn't feel like I had a very good showing when we ran on Tuesday, so I really wanted to run better this time. My foot had bothered me a little bit during the day, though, so I was a little worried that that would become a problem again.

I started to worry a little bit when the phone rang at about 10, because we were supposed to start at about 10:15, and I figured it was someone calling to cancel. It was Aaron checking to see if I had looked outside lately, which I had not, but it turned out we were in the middle of a pretty cool electrical storm, and the lightning was putting on quite a show. I've never been the sharpest pencil in the drawer, though, because not only do I love running at night, but I also love to run while watching a lightning storm. I knew Aaron had fears, but I didn't realize lightning was one of them. To his credit, though, he sacked up and agreed to run anyway.

So after waiting about 20 minutes or so for Jerome (who had forgotten we were running), we finally got started, and I felt great. I think all of the stretching and warming up I did while waiting for Jerome paid off, because the running was totally pain free. About 3/4 of a mile to a mile into the run, the lightning really started closing in, and we started hearing thunder (at 250 pounds, I always hear thunder while running), so we decided to cut about a third of our run off and head back. Instead of going long, we thought we would make it a speed workout and haul ass back to the cars. We kept up a pretty good pace, and I even had enough left for my pathetic version of a kick. All in all, a pretty good run.

Right as we stepped foot on the final block, it started sprinkling, and within 10 minutes or so of finishing, it started raining pretty hard. I'm really glad we are all running together, because with the weather conditions like they were last night, I'm not sure anyone would have gone out if we were running alone. Plus, its just cool to have some guy time where we can talk or not talk all night long (Best in Show reference, sorry). Aaron will be out of town next week, so we are going to run on Sunday, and then Jerome and I will run next week without him. I think we should go long on Sunday since Aaron will be gone all week. Maybe if we go long, he won't feel the need to run 2 or 3 miles before he goes out with us. Showoff.


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