The Plan
I'm not sure why I feel the need to be difficult, but I think Aaron and I are still doing different training programs. I think I discussed at some point, that Aaron was going to follow Hal Higdon's training program, and I would do Jeff Galloway's schedule. Sure it would be easier to do the same thing, but where is the fun in that?
If my math is correct, I should be in the third week of the program, which works out pretty well, because we ran 4 miles on Sunday, which is exactly what it called for. Fate? Hard to say. I haven't heard from Jerome today, so I am not sure if he is running tonight. Either way, I need to be out there for 30-45 minutes. That should be about 3 miles at my usual pace. It rained pretty damn hard for about 20 minutes earlier, so it is either going to be cooler outside, or just as hot with 100% humidity. While it is hard to turn down some kick ass humidity, I'm actually hoping for the cooler temp. My diet really hasn't been ideal today, so it may be a tough run. I have to get this diet thing worked out. The problem is that it is just too easy to eat junky food. It takes too much effort to actually cook healthy food and stick with the program. Plus I would have to buy groceries more than once a month, and really, who needs that kind of aggravation??
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