Monday, September 04, 2006


I didn't feel quite as invincible on tonight's run as I did on Friday, but still had a pretty respectable time, 45:31, for an 11:21 pace. It is really funny how the mind works. I was cruising along reasonably well for the first lap, when it dawned on me that I ran the first 2 in almost exactly 22 minutes. After a quick tree-watering and drink of water for myself, I headed back out after losing about 30 seconds to a minute. That is when my mind starts mentioning that 11's are too fast and I can't keep that up for 4 miles. Maybe we should slow down a little bit so we don't run out of gas. It's just a training run and nobody is here to see us, so what is the point of killing ourselves. Right?? Self-preservation is a bitch.

But training runs are as much for your mind as they are for your body, so this is all part of the process. I am still hoping to run a sub-20 2 miler before the 5K in less than 2 1/2 weeks. I still feel that if I can run at least one 2 miler in sub-20, or a 3 miler in sub-33, then a sub-30 5k can be accomplished. Right now I am still not sure. I would almost bet the farm, though, that if I can show up on race day at <235, there is no chance of NOT breaking 30.


At 9:40 AM, Blogger Aaron Hamby said...

Ok...I am sorry about Sunday...I get kind of obsessive at times about schedules and what-not....anyway, I think we should get back on track tonight and run an easy 3 miles...tomorrow you can rest instead of doing 2 miles, or we can do an easy 2....I won't run without you again...I swear....


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