Monday, September 04, 2006

4 Miler ( A day late)

As soon as we get the kids in bed, I need to knock out 4 miles tonight. The diet has been good today, so I am hoping that that will translate into a good run, but I never seem to have the good runs when I think I am going to. That is part of what I need to be able to figure out. I need to know what makes me have a good run and what makes me run slow. So far, I have figured out what not to do (taquitos!), but I am still working on what I need to do.

My running schedule is going to be off a little this week, because I didn't get my 4 miler in last night. I had planned on running with Aaron, and made sure my diet was good all day yesterday, but by the time I talked to Aaron, he had already run his 4, and I was in a bad enough mood that I didn't want to go out and run the 4 alone. So I'm not sure which days are going to be running days this week and which days aren't. Alot of it will probably depend on how my 4 goes tonight. We had planned on running 13's for the full 4, but I don't know if I want to run that hard by myself, so I will have to see how I feel after the first mile or so. If I run hard tonight, I will probably take tomorrow off, and then see how I feel on Wednesday to decide if I want to run or ride the bike on Wednesday.

One way or another, I need to get my weight down around 240 by next Sunday. That way I can get down around 235 in time for the 5K. Then I can really start to focus on the 10K. I have never raced the 10K distance, so I will be curious to see what that is like. I guess the next week or so will really depend on tonights run.


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