Back on Track
Moved back onto the track for a 2 mile training run tonight. The hills here in town have been kicking my ass lately, so I thought that getting back on flat ground might help my hamstring problems. I only ran an easy 2 miles, but I had what would have been a really good run if it wasn't for the wind. It wasn't too bad, though. Track running is more mental than physical, because when you are on the track, you can pretty much quit whenever you want to. When you are running an out and back course, you can quit, but you still have to get back to the truck somehow.
So I ran the 2 miles in 23 flat, with a couple of short walk breaks, and I ran the last quarter in 2:05, just to pick up the pace a little. Didn't really seem to run too hard at any point, but I didn't do any carb loading before I ran, which seemed to effect my energy level. But with race day 3 days away, I wasn't trying to do too much, just have a nice run without hurting my legs. Mission accomplished.
Glad you had a good run last night....I lack the mental ability to run on the track....maybe I need to work on that....I also can't seem to keep from killing myself when I run, either....
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