
Good thing today is an off day from running, because it is cold outside. Hoth-like cold. I'm hoping it gets worse overnight, though. If I wake up in the morning and there is enough snow for them to shut down my office, I would be the happiest person in Oklahoma. I am a little worried about when I am going to be able to run again, but I guess I will just have to up the cross training for awhile.
I'm still in the frustrating phase of weight loss. I've upped the number of meals I am eating each day, while trying to keep my calories the same or less, and I've cut back on carbs a bit. No bread, pasta, etc. Right now, though, my weight is either the same or maybe a little higher. I'm not sure because I haven't weighed in awhile. I probably won't weigh again for another couple of weeks, because I know I'm not close to where I need to be. If the scales say I've lost weight, I will feel like I can ease up a bit, and start to gain weight again. If I haven't lost any weight, I will get frustrated and start to eat too much. Neither of those seem like a good option.
So in the meantime, I am still lifting pretty hard, running as much as possible, and growing this beard that I can't shave until 220. Hopefully, that will happen before Christmas, but who knows?
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