Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fight Club

The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club

The second rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club

The third rule of Fight Club is: You do not give my wife the finger after she gets on to you for saying the word Fuck too many times in front of my 2 year old daughter and a bunch of other people at an 8 and under baseball game.

That third one is a very good way to get your ass kicked by me, as one of the parents almost learned at baseball tonight. Don't get me wrong, I love to use the word fuck as a noun, verb, adjective, etc, but there is a time and a place. Little league baseball is not that place. So, to that effect, what the fuck is the matter with people?!?! I am about as politically incorrect as you can get, with a mouth that would embarrass a sailor, and I am never at a loss for words. But I am perfectly capable of shutting my mouth when the situation calls for it. Apparently, not everyone has that gift.

After finding out what had happened, I very calmly (for me) worked my way over to the offending party, and spoke my piece. The first question out of his mouth? "Did I offend somebody?" Hell yes, you offended somebody you stupid shit!! ME!!! So, in the most matter of fact tone I could muster, I let him know that I was going to be nice about it this time. But. You knew there was a but, right? But, if this kind of crap ever happened again, I was not going to be nice about it and we were going to throw down, and that wouldn't be nice. Does this guy think that just because I am nice to all of the kids and try to make sure everyone is having a good time, that I am some kind of punk who is going to let some loud mouthed asshole give my wife the finger? And not say anything?? I'm not sure if he really and truly thinks that I am that guy, but there may be a time soon when he finds out. Fucker.

On the plus side, I was pretty fired up for my run tonight, and ran from my house to my wife's work in 56 minutes. And felt great. A little muscle soreness in my pecs (??), but not bad enough to cause any problems. Sounds wierd, but I'm looking forward to my 5 miler this weekend. I have been training pretty hard, so I don't get embarrassed by the Belgian and the Kenyan (as I'm going to start calling Aaron) come November......


At 11:49 PM, Blogger Kary said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - people suck. A lot. Sme more than others. And would it have taken away from the point if you had told him to shut the fuck up?

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Shell said...

What?!? I'm not supposed to say "fuck" in front of Emma? Damn.

At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris, you bad mother fucker!! I would have paid some money to see that throw down take place, just like I would have loved to see Hughes battle Gracie in UFC 60, even though I heard it wasn't much of a fight. Just remember to use your elbows just like those guys do. It's the strongest bone in your body. I knew you had to have a big backbone to support all that weight. HA!! Just keep on running buddy, Tulsa is only 5 1/2 months away!

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Kary said...

We only get upset when strangers curse in front of the children. Family and friends are fair game, so don't worry, Shell.


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