Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Game On

Have I mentioned that I am a very competitive person? Not sure if I have. So, for the record, here goes. I am a very competitive person. I hate to lose at anything, to anybody. I've always been this way, so it is really nothing new. I don't think I ever lost that competitiveness, I just had a 8-10 year stretch where I never put myself in a situation where it was evident. Competition was something I thrived on for a long time, though, so hopefully it is like riding a bike. Maybe I just needed something to spark that fire again.

So yesterday, I am doing the usual and reading the blog's of all of my friends (I only have 2 or 3 friends so it doesn't take long), and I read on Aaron's blog how well his training for the marathon is going. Which is cool, because I wasn't even sure whether or not he had been running. He wrote about following Hal Higdon's training program (I think that is who they recommend on the Route 66 Marathon website), and even has a secret training program that he is using until starting Higdon's 18 week program. He has even been running up to 10 miles on his long run day.

Call me a child, but that got my competive juices flowing. I have no idea why that is, but it did. Instead of a friendly run, now my mind has turned it into a race. I know that wasn't Aaron's intention, but as anyone who knows me can tell you, my mind doesn't always follow a straight path. So I have a proposition for Aaron. You and Hal against me and Jeff, winner take all.

I think it is cool that we are taking different paths to Tulsa. You are wanting to run one race prior to November, and I want to race as much as possible. I'm taking walk breaks during the marathon, and I'm not sure whether you are or not since Hal also seems to think walk breaks are OK (Galloway wanna-be!). I'm still fat and you are getting in shape much faster.

The stakes: 1 (one) case of Lost Lake beer and all of the buffalo butts you can eat. You in??


At 8:54 AM, Blogger Aaron Hamby said...

Oh, I'm in for sure. Hal and I are going to kick some arse come Novemeber. Hal is a big fan of the walk break, and I have been incorporating that into my runs, especially on the hills. What are we betting? Who finishes with a better time? That's cool. I just want to finish period. I am terrified of the 20 mile wall. I'm not at all competitive, so this will be fun only.

On a side note, yesterday I bowled a 153, 170, 185 and 195 during lunch....

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Kary said...

You're definitely a child. In fact, I think you're both children.


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