Sunday, March 26, 2006


I need to get back out on the road today. I haven't done anything workout related since at least Thursday. We spent Friday night with friends, and then on Saturday, Kary worked from 9 in the morning until 10 at night. She had to work again today, so it looks like it is going to have to be a late walk. That's cool, though, because I love walking after dark. Not sure why, but I always have. There is generally nobody else around and it seems so peaceful.
Tomorrow is the weigh in for the new weight loss contest. I feel pretty confident with this one. I was already looking to lose the weight, so this seems like a pretty easy way to make a little extra money. I had a pretty good weekend eating, and I think the new smoothie maker is going to be my secret weapon. I may need to check the patent on the "Mango and soy milk diet". Could be a way to make millions on top of losing the extra weight. Remember you heard it here first.
Anyway, the kids are fed and everyone seems content, so if I can find my socks, I'm going out for a walk. I will post my official weight tomorrow after the weigh in, and probably my unofficial weight on the scales here at the house also. I can update that one daily.
By the way, check out the marathon website at They are really pushing for first timers since it is also their inaugural event. I'm hoping to get as many of my friends as possible involved. Why suffer alone??


At 10:43 AM, Blogger Aaron Hamby said...

I'm looking to patent the Teri Schiavo diet....maybe mix in a little exersize, too.....I say first one to 200 wins!

At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First one to 200 wins? Sweeee-tah! Bring on the Ben & Jerry's!


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